Lutherans believe that baptism incorporates us into the one holy, catholic and apostolic Church, the Body of Christ, where we experience the gift of faith, the forgiveness of sins, redemption from death and the devil, and the promise of eternal life. In baptism we are buried into Christ’s death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead, so too we might walk in newness of life (Romans 6).
Baptism happens just once in our lifetime, but it is a way of life, as we daily die to sin and rise up to live before God. Baptism is an occasion of joy for every member of the congregation, and so baptisms are held at our regular Sunday service at 10:15 am. The baptized becomes a member of the church, is invited to receive Holy Communion, and is expected to grow in faith and love as he or she attends worship regularly.
If you are interested in being baptized, or having a child baptized, please contact us by email or by calling 201-963-5518 to schedule an appointment to discuss the process. Usually 2 or 3 pre-baptism classes are held with the pastor, parents and godparents.
Baptisms typically take place several times a year, on the following days: the Vigil of Easter (Spring), The Day of Pentecost (Spring), The Holy Trinity (Summer), the Feast of All Saints (November), Baptism of Our Lord (January). Special circumstances may allow for flexibility, so please contact with as much advance notice as possible.
If you are interested in getting married at St. Paul’s, please contact us by email or by calling 201-963-5518 to schedule an appointment. This meeting will be to determine availability and fees and to establish a pre-marital counseling schedule, which typically consists of 4 to 6 sessions.